The theoretical development of Integrated Psychotherapy, starting in
Prague in 1940, is sketched here. The approach evolved independent of developments in the West,
and could not have happened without the inspiration and guidance of the Prague philosophy of science,
in particular, without the work of the logical empiricists, P. Frank and R. Carnap. Integrated
Psychotherapy started with a critical evaluation of psychoanalysis, followed by a shift from a
mentalistic conception to a physicalistic conception of the total organism, and proceeded to a
systems point of view, that is, from a one-person system to a small-group system as the minimal
system required for the understanding of an individual. Additional elements in the approach include
the application of strict confirmation requirements; the choice of social exchange to guide the process
of psychotherapy; and the formulations of the interpersonal hypothesis of music and the evolutionary
hypothesis of meta-selection.
Key words: Integrated Psychotherapy, systems point-of-view, group schema, interpersonal hypothesis
of music, evolutionary hypothesis of meta-selection
Prof. MUDr. Ferdinand Knobloch, CSc., MD, FRCP(Canada)
4137 W 12 Ave., Vancouver, BC, V6R 2P5, Canada.
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